© TA & JJ Smithells, 2013
What is copyright?
“Copyright” is an intellectual property right and provides legal protection to a range of works including literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works (to name a few). Copyright protects a very wide range of original expression in such varied forms as drawings, designs, photographs, 3D models (including sculptures), plans, packaging or words (such as this information sheet!). Copyright works include music, plays and written works such as novels, brochures, questionnaires, labels, training manuals, software and multimedia works.
What does copyright do?
Copyright gives the copyright owner the exclusive right to control the use and reproduction of their copyright works. A particular area of copyright law, known as “moral rights”, also gives the owner the right to prevent others from failing to attribute authorship, or from trying to pass the work off as someone else’s work, other than the author’s.
Are copyrights registered?
Copyright does not have to be registered like trademarks or patents. Copyright automatically comes into being when anyone creates an original copyright work.
How long does copyright last?
In New Zealand law, copyright is governed by the Copyright Act (1994). For most written works, copyright typically lasts for the life of the writer plus 50 years.
Are the Smithells® Career Planning Questionnaires and other information provided on or accessible through the Smithells Careers and Smithells®(formerly First Careers) websites copyright works?
Yes, all materials on the Smithells Careers’ and Smithells®’ websites are copyright works. If you look at the bottom of each page on the website, including the Smithells® Questionnaires pages, you will see the symbol ©. This is the copyright symbol and gives clear public notice that the images, diagrams and words on that page are protected by copyright.
Smithells® copyright works include:
- Smithells® Career Planning Questionnaires
- Smithells® Career Information Sheets
- Smithells® Client Data Summaries
- Smithells® Career Planning software
- Smithells® Update Summaries
- Smithells® Practitioner Training Manual
- Smithells® Practitioner Resource Folders, and the materials in these folders
Smithells Careers’ copyright works include:
- All other pages on the Smithells Careers website
Does copyright apply to me?
Anyone who visits the Smithells Careers and/or Smithells® websites to find out about the services and products offered, to pay for and complete the Smithells® Questionnaires or to book an appointment with a Smithells® Professional is bound by the law of copyright. No copyright works maybe be reproduced (in whole or part) or used (except as specifically authorized) without the prior written consent of Smithells Careers, and in the case of the Smithells® website, of First Careers (NZ) Ltd.
What if someone wanted to copy the Smithells® Questionnaires or to use the Smithells® career concepts, ideas and methods, or the Smithells Careers and/or Smithells® website information?
This is a no-no. Infringement of copyright (and/or any other intellectual property right) is a serious legal wrong and may result in civil and/or criminal proceedings. Smithells Careers and First Careers (NZ) Ltd will take any action they deem appropriate to protect their intellectual property rights.