Contact Form for Head Start Careers

Head Start Careers is closely linked with and shares an office with Smithells Careers. Emily Donderwinkel and Mark Smithells are Head Start Careers. Emily and Mark are qualified and experienced in career development. Both are trained in the use of the Smithells® Career Planning System. Emily is an Approved Smithells® Professional; Mark’s approval is pending.

Please fill out the form below to contact Emily or Mark at Head Start Careers.
Please note fields marked with * are Required Fields

Name of person requiring career planning (the client)
Family Name:  *
First Name(s):  *
Phone Number:  *
Date of Birth:
Client email:  *
Client Address
Street:  *
Suburb/R.D.:  *
City/town:  *
Postcode:  *
Name of parent/sponsor (if client under 21)
Family Name:
First Name(s):
Phone Number:
Parent/sponsor email:
If parent/sponsor address is same as client’s address, tick here
If parent/sponsor address is different to client's address, please complete the fields below:
Have one or more members of your immediate family/whanau already seen Emily, Tim or Juliana for career planning? If yes, please type his/her/their name(s) in the box below.

Thank you. To help protect against automated attacks on this website, please type the numbers and letters from the security code below, exactly as they appear, into the box on the right.
Security Code:
Security Image
Please type your message in the box below:
It helps if your message is clear and to the point.


NOTE: Please wait after you click to send your message, until you see the 'Thank you' screen. If it does not appear, click 'Send' again or refresh your browser.

Thank you for your message. One of our team will reply as soon as we are able to.


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